
My initial impression of Adobe Flash was that it was going to be a very difficult program to learn and utilize. Well guess what? I was right! I have for the most part really enjoyed everything that I have created with flash, no matter how many hours it took me to get there. It may not look like I have spent a lot of time on my projects, due to their simplicity, however everything I do in Flash takes me 967 hours, though that is just a rough estimate.

My strategy thus far has been to stay within my bounds with Flash, because I feel like any time I reach too far with it I end up having to start over again, which is never any fun (especially after the initial 967 hours). I have been trying to keep it simple at this point and just practice what simple things I know over and over. This has been working for me so far, I have been becoming more comfortable with Action Script 3.0. I feel, at this point, that I can understand the simple code and I can determine what my errors are when I have them.

My main source of concentration with my Flash projects has been organization and labeling. I make sure to label every layer as I create it, and naming every button with an instance name as soon as it is created is an absolute must. I learned quickly that when things are organized problems are much easier to deal with. As one can guess output errors are no stranger to me.

I would say that my main anxiety in this second week of classes has been with flash. In an effort to ebb my anxieties I watched a few videos from lynda.com, not to be dramatic, but this just frightened me more, good thing I won’t give up that easily. So onwards and upwards with learning Flash!